I had some things to do this morning, so my mom & dad came to babysit. This was the VERY FIRST time they did it all on their own, with ALL THREE KIDOS!! They did great. I was so excited that the girls weren't scared..and had a great time playing with mama & papa B! When i came home i walked in...to this:
Hot August Nights
5 years ago
That is great that Grandma and Grandpa handled all three girls for you for awhile! It is amazing how fast a crazy toddler will fall asleep in Grandpa's arms in a rocking chair! I am always amazed by that because mine don't want to be rocked at night anymore.
For pigtails/pebbles ponytails, we have the itty bitty plastic goody ponytail holders that barely fit around your pinky but they stretch when you are putting them in. Once they're in, they're not coming out easily- thats the ONLY way we can keep Alli's hair up!
Yes I am in a MoM group, however, I am walking in my hometown rather than with the group downtown Cleveland. I figure if I walk "back home" all my friends and family will join us. I can't imagine propping bottles, that was my big fear last year if I had gone. You are brave to have done that!!
I am going to check in to see cute baby girls in ponytails/pigtails! BTW, if they swallow the itty bitty ones, you will find them 2 diapers later LOL!
I am so glad to hear about how much you enjoyed the MOD walk and I am really looking forward to it. I hope the snow is gone by then!
Have a great day :)
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