First of all, Happy Father's Day, Esp. to my wonderful husband who is the best father my girls could have every asked for...PAUL is a great dad...he helps, he provides for our family, and is really an all around wonderful parent, that is a part of every aspect of the girls lives! Now, he may not know the size shoe the girls wear, or how to fix their hair just right...or how to make up Hannah's bed like i like it..but he is the BEST Father i know...along with my sister Jennifers' Husband Jeff, who is also the best father ever!
This weekend has been fun, busy and exhausting! I don't know why but i could sleep for hours if the girls let me! LOL!
On to the fun stuff!
Here are some pics from the great presents Paul received for fathers day!
Sarah's Fathers Day Card
Sam's Fathers Day Card
Hannah made this cool card! It's a tie! Soo neat!
This was our favorite... a picture frame! O yeah, and Pauls second favorite besides the artwork...the white chocolate balls!
Close up of the picture frame! 
And then i had to throw this one in...Sarah under the stacked up high chairs!
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