I've always believed in Pay It Forward. On a blog on howdoyoudoit.wordpress.com a few weeks ago a lady wrote about paying it forward. Today really made me think about it. Today, i took my second excursion, just the girls and ME! It was SOO much fun...but i don't think it would have went as smoothly without my MOM friends. We went to the oil ranch. This trip was planned for last week, but as ya'll know we got totally rained out. Today was a different story. I had planned on doing it for a while...but i never RSVP because it always tends to bite me in the butt. If you wonder how? It just seems like every time i RSVP for something someone comes down with something. We missed the Noah's Ark children's social this weekend b/c Hannah was hacking really badly and it was chilly outside. We also missed one of Hannah's classmates birthday parties because she was sick. SO anyway, i did NOT RSVP to go to the oil ranch, in hopes of being able to actually just show up and all the kids be well. So that is what we did. Melody came with her girls and a few other moms in the walkers group showed up, including Aneslie(spelling?) and her boys and Stacey P and her boys. Anyway, there were also a ton of MOMS from the runners play group there. All in all, we had a GREAT time. We watched Jungle book on the way up and as we pulled in a relief came over me b/c last time we went their were TONS & TONS of kidos and TONS of buses. Today, there were about 4 buses and no lines for anything. AWESOME!
So, we all started on the trek on the way up to the petting zoo/hayride area. Joyce, the MOM in charged of the runners playgroup went and asked if we could have a hayride and they were happy to oblige. So, we all started loading up...and here is where the "PAY IT FORWARD" comes in for me. I could NOT have loaded up 3 children onto the hayride buggy without help. It would have been near impossible. BUT, Joyce, was at the top pulling children one by one up to help us all out and other moms were helping guide the girls around so i could get up. It was SOO nice. Of course, at first the girls were frozen and didn't want to go to her...but everyone else was up there helping and coaxing them up. The hayride was the BEST part of the whole trip. I had no idea...but when you get on the guy gives all the kidos some cow feed. So we get up, get our cow feed and move on to sit down(thanks to all the mothers that helped me get my kids up and seated). One day i hope to "pay it forward" and help other moms who need help once mine are a bit older and not so needy, as we get out more often. It's just a great feeling hanging out with my MOM friends..they are always so helpful and willing to help me whenever i need help with my girls.
On that note, we were loading up on the hay ride and all of a sudden these ladies start invading our space. The girl looked familiar...then it hit me. That was the B---- that was sitting by us last Wednesday at ruckus room. NOW, before you say i judge let me tell ya'll a quick story on this young, ignorant lady. When we were sitting at the jumping place last week, she had her little boy and they were playing around with some of her friends kids and she started talking to me. She was asking about the girls...all sorts of questions. I had to explain to her what "identical" meant and that it was NOT inherited and it was all natural. Then she goes on this rant about people that do fertility drugs...and how un-natural the whole thing was...blah blah blah. To be quite honest...i stopped listening right after she said that...thinking to my self "How dare this B say anything about fertility drugs...she obviously has no idea about anything...she was probably like me...got prego right away and had no problems conceiving. Yes, i did get prego right away..but i don't judge. AND for her to say that to me was, in fact, very offending, b/c she has to know that i'm a part of this group and that some of my friends probably have done fertility drugs. HELLO B----, your talking about my friends here! How dare her. Anyway, it all came together that she asked why we were at the jumping place last week and i told her we had originally planned on going to the oilranch, but got rained out. SO, her little clique decided to go...ironically on the same day we all went...and then got on the same darn hay ride we were on. OH, i was soo annoyed. I hated her and really didn't know a thing about her, other than, she judges people and likes to talk bad about people. SO, to make a long story, that seems to keep going and going...she invaded our hay ride...piled her a-- up on our little hayride...squished all our kids so she could get on instead of waiting for the next hayride(OK, so i know it wasn't really OUR hayride buggy...but it was seriously packed) and i was MAD! So, everyone kept moving over a bit and she kept saying "could ya'll squeeze over a little more"...i wanted to say:"get your butt off and wait for the next one if you can't fit"! But i didn't. Anyway, she knew who i was right away although she played dumb. She said "Do you live in cypress, your face looks familiar?" I said "Nope". She said "Oh, you were at the jumping place last week, right....i remember your twins." I said "yep" and made everything very brief. Melody kinda looked over at me and i rolled my eyes and mouthed "i'll tell you later". And that was it. Anyway, how annoying! Err...just thinking about her makes me really angry. She got on this hayride with all my friends...all these sweet ladies and their kidos...and in all reality had been talking about some(not one individual) of them last week. ERRR... Anyway, enough bad stuff.
To get on to the hayride. We had a blast. The cows come right up to the hayride buggy and just grab the food out of the kidos hands. It was hilarious! I was rolling. Aneslies' little boy was scared and screaming..poor baby. Melodys' little katelyn got coated in slobber from one cow...and my girls weren't the least bit scared and really seemed to enjoy it! I mean they were oohing and ahhing the whole time. I have some video to load...and tons of pics.
After the hayride, we went over to the petting zoo. The girls had fun and really wanted to feed the goats...but just as before at the zoo(when Hannah got really freaked out), the goats came running up, like starving vultures! UGH! I did get all the girls out of the wagon and let them in..they were having fun till Sam got head rammed(accidentally) as the goat was coming around the corner. She Freaked out...and was dirty and i was dirty and i had to carry her after that. Then we went around from cubie to cubie to look at the chickens, turkeys, bunny rabbits and the horse. They had a blast. After that we went over to let Hannah ride the horse...she had a great time and is such a big girl. She held on all by herself and i didn't even walk beside her. She just walked up...a nice lady put her on and she held on like she was a pro. Then we were getting ready to leave and she was begging to go milk the cow...so i said we could...but after that we had to leave. She milked the cow and the girls jumped out to watch...then we headed out. What an adventure. I'm really going to try to start going to play group once a week...the girls all love it and it makes the week just fly by so quickly! Splash pads are our next adventure out(hopefuly). I think the girls will have a blast and now that it is SOO darn hot, it'll be nice for all of us!
So, now, for your viewing enjoyment...LOTS of pics of all the kidos in my moms group!
Aneslie & her boys and Hannah in front and Sydney on the right..
The whole bunch of us loaded on the hayride!
Sound like you guys had lots of fun on your little day trip! Glad the weather was great for you this time
Im sorry to hear that the lady was so rude to you!
looks like you all had a blast. i wish the boys were old enough to enjoy that stuff. we have joined a play group yet with the MOMS group but soon will. i will be seeing you!
Looks like you had a great time!!! I admire you for taking the kids by yourself!! I get VERY nervous to do that and I don't do that much at all--but I probably should.
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