Ok, so what i mean is that we LOVE Hooters! If you know Paul and I, you know we actually met at hooters...years ago. Paul used to take his employees over to the one across the street from his shop every Friday after work. That is how i met him. One of his employees was a friend of my friend Jennifer and Jennifer invited me to go to. Yeah, it's hilarious and NO, i did NOT work there. Anyway, Hooters holds a special place in both of our hearts. So anyway, we used to take Hannah there often as a baby. She has tons of onsies and t-shirts and anything else cute for babies i could find. BUT, since the girls were born, we have not taken them there b/c the tables are so high, we couldn't enjoy ourselves and we'd end up seperated from the rest of his friends/employees. Well, today we decided it was time. I can't believe it's been OVER 20 months since we've been to HOOTERS! I love eating there. At first i felt weird going there...now i feel it's part of my life...it's part of our family history!! LOL. If i hadn't gone to hooters back years ago...i would never have met my husband..never had my children...goodness i couldn't imgaine that. Anyway, we went today and it went great. The girls were a little weird at first...but they slowly became comfortable with everyone around. It was fun..i wasn't worried...they ate a little food..Sarah colored some, the both sat in their high chairs for a while, then daddy held them for a while. Lastly, what would a hooters trip be w/o mommy taking her camera! I HAD to document their first time at hooters. So here are some pics! We were a bit of a spectacle...the girls were running around a bit...everyone was staring...but not a bad stare. More of a cute baby stare(i think)LOL!! Of course the hooters waitress' were and have always been all about babies. So i had to have one of them pose with the girls. :) Daddy and the twins...Sarah on the right, Sam on left!
Our Waitress!
Everyone at the table eating!Hannah LOVES Alyssa, Tommy & Kristy's daughter! She's grown up SOO much in the past few years!
Mommy & her girls! Kristy mentioned today, that the girls are soo opposite from Hannah. All i could say was, "YES, they are!" Blonde hair blue eyes, v/s, brown hair and hazel eyes...Hannah is just all mommy & the girls are all daddy!
You like their new shirts! They were SOO cute i couldn't resist...besides, how can they be almost 2 and never have gotten a shirt from hooters! YIKES!!
What would a Hooters visit be, w/o a beer? Um, can you say well trained or what??? LOL!!
Time to leave and they were all 3 soo cute. Totally holding hands all the way out to the car! Can it really get any cute than this????
Their new t-shirts. It says "little diva" "hooters"
We also broke a major record tonight. We stayed out until 8:07PM! Yes, seriously, that is a record for us with kids. We NEVER stay out late. Amazingly they did great! Time flew by and we didn't even realize it was so late until we got in the car!
My girls did a great job tonight...and made me so proud! Not ONE break down..NOTHING! I was AMAZED and soo proud of all 3!
O yeah and when i was putting Hannah to bed tonight...she told me : "mommy i love you....because you are taking me to the backyardagins tomorrow with cousin allison"! LOL! The things kids say are so darn funny! She's been saying a ton of funny things lately. I really need to start documenting them or i'm going to forget!
How cute!!!! We recently (my husband, his cousins, their wives, & myself) all went to Hooters after a funeral. The waitress said, 'Wow, you all look so nice!" And I said, "Yea, we just came from a funeral." But that is what everyone wanted to eat. Cute Hooters story you have!
How funny!!! I've never been to Hooters...but would do it for the Wings! Yum! We had a Buffalo Wild Wings by us in college and thats where we always hung out at. Mmmmm!!!
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