I'm a BAD AUNTIE...the first time i posted this...i forgot to add my favorite pic with all FOUR of my favorite girls...well 3 are mine and one is my niece! :) Look at those bluebonnetts! They are GEORGOUS...see below for original post! Sorry...i don't know how i forgot these pics! BTW...it's actually illegal to pick bluebonnetts in any public/state area...do you think they'd throw these cuties in jail for picking flowers?? Besides, how do you STOP two 3.5 year olds and two 15 month olds from picking flowers??? I made sure we left all the ones that were pulled there...so that the seeds will reproduce for next year! :)
Since we DO live in Texas, i feel it's only appropriate to have pics of my girls with the STATE FLOWER! So, with spring arriving and the flowers in bloom...this is a taste of Texas! BTW, check out what a difference a year makes.
Family shot...with three kids, i'm not sure they'll ever be ONE shot of all three looking the same way! :)
Another close up..wait...are they all looking? Perhaps..close enough!
Another cute one...although mom has her eyes closed!
Amazing what a difference a year makes. This is one year ago almost to the day! The babies were only sitting up thanks to the bumpos!
And then this year...What cuties!! Oh my, how they've grown!
Again, one year ago...they were TINY!
YEAH right...do you seriously think i can hold all 3 and have them all look the same way? HA HA!
I tried though!
NOPE...ain't happening this year! Maybe NEXT year!
On the way out...
What a cute pic...auntie jennifer...with one of the girls holding her hand!
All lined up in a row...up front Uncle Jeff and the two big girls...racing ahead!
The END!
Three of my FOUR favorite girls! Sarah on left, Sam on right
Oh, here's my Fourth favorite girl...Allison & Hannah..Aren't they adorable???
Another precious shot...they are just soo sweet!
What a cute pic...auntie jennifer...with one of the girls holding her hand!
BTW, i have to tell ya'll...these were taken in the CITY! Actually by our old house, right on a bayou! Isn't this just amazing??? Such beautiful flowers in the city? We drove 10 minutes from our new house to get there!
What beautiful pictures! And its amazing the difference from last year to this! The time goes by way too quickly doesn't it?
Those girls are precious! I love the pink bows in their hair and their dresses, so girly- its a perfect shot of them all in the bluebonnets! My tulips are just starting to come up so thats a sure sign of Spring here. You must have such an awesome time shopping for 3 girls to dress up, I know how much fun it is with one girl, boys clothes aren't really cutesy in the toddler age though..
Beautiful! And to think...we got 9 inches of snow this weekend and your girlies are in sundresses!
They are just gorgeous! I knew they would be!!! YEAH! I love bluebonnets! So pretty and the girls just looked adorable!
How sweet that you did the same pics last year too! Now it must be a tradition! ;)
Hey! Thanks for stopping by to "see" me :D!
I LOVE the pictures of your girls! They are adorable! You're braver than I am.. I so rarely pose for pictures(I'm always, ALWAYS the one with the camera.. that way I'm safe lol). What great pics of you with them though, and all of the gorgeous flowers.
And I agree.. such a huge difference from last year to this year. While it's exciting to watch them grow it's almost sad in a way too.
And I feel your pain on trying to get everyone to sit still AND look at the camera AND smile AND not give their brother bunny-ears AND not pick their nose AND not scream or cry because Theeey want to play with the camera(or the squirrel that just jumped out of the tree), oh and yeah, by the way "moooooooom... I haaaaave to go pooooootttttyyyyy" right when the pic is being snapped.
Good times though, 'eh?
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