First, Again THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to those of you who have generously dontated money to my March for Babies walk! I'm half way to my goal...which is GREAT! We are so excited and ready for the big walk on Sunday, which is also my sisters 35th birthday! Gosh, i can't believe she is going to be 35...that also means i'm going to be 32! HOLY SCHNIKES!
Anyway, here are some random pics...these are the girls cute little gymboree dresses i bought second hand. They are SOOO cute...but i just don't have it in myself to let them wear them to school...they are just TOO CUTE. AND, i can sell them on ebay for what i paid for them if they don't get destroyed! Ahh...the way you think when you have 3 babies!
This is Sarah...caught with her mouth full! :)
Sarah sitting in the doggie bowl...talking about cheap entertainment! Once Sam saw her in the bowl....

She went and got the other one...LOL!

Sarah did an awesome job putting on my shoes...right after this pic there was a cat fight over who was going to wear mommys shoes!

Sam is always so serious...this is a cute pic of her actually smiling...could it be b/c she had on a fancy dress??? LOL!

Sam playing with bowls in the kitchen.

Hannah is going through this new stage...make faces for the camera! LOL! Thank goodness i made her wear shorts under her dress to school since she doesn't know how to cross her legs like a lady just yet! :)

UGH! Our couch is no more OUR couch...Sam has invaded it..along with her snack bowl. I give up on this. I think in another year or two we'll have to just break down and get a new couch...This poor couch has been through pee, vomit, and lots of smearing yucky squish snacks. I think our next couch will be leather...i vowed never to get leather b/c if you wear shorts your legs/butt stick to it when it's hot...but now that Sam has invaded this with her snacks...unassisted by anything...we're just out of luck. My friend Melody has a leather's really saved her with all the puke she has had to deal just wipe it up and move on. With Sam, I saw her actually climb up on the couch from the floor for the first time today. I almost had a break down...usually they have to pull something up to climb up...not anymore.

Sneaky smile there...bad bad Sam!

This was yesterday...look at those cuties.

Another shot of all 3...this actually came out pretty good!

Hannah in her purple dress...she wore this to school today..she is just soo'd never know what kind of trouble she can cause from the sweet smile! LOL!!

Sarah after she decided to drink and spit...that's her new game...or maybe not to new...but she loves to drink and spit...until her clothes are soaked and the floors are too. Then when i go to catch her and take her cup away she runs like lightning!

Another couch poor couch! This couch has gotten me through 2 pregnancy's(sleeping on the couch lots of nights when i had insonomia and/or had to roll off the couch i was soo big), 2 dogs(that we finally taught NOT to get on the furniture), 5 years(almost) of marriage and 3 babies(and lots of nights of sleeping on the couch when Hannah gets those dry coughs that make her puke) ...I'll be sad to get rid of it..but it's definitely seen it's better days. We'll wait till they are old enough to keep the couch maybe another year or two.

That's all for now! Happy Thursday. Tomorrow is a BIG DAY for me. I have the girls ALL DAY by help at all! Paul is leaving for a trip to Dallas for the day so he leaves at 5am-ish and gets home at like 8 or 9p! I've dedicated tomorrow as a day of taking it easy..and staying in our pj's till the comcast guy gets here at 11am! Also, we're going to party it up and eat out for lunch and dinner..FUN FUN STUFF!! But say a prayer i make it through! People do it all the time..i'm sure i can manage for one whole day by myself! :) The crappy part is that it's ALREADY so HOT outside i don't even want to go out! BUT tomorrow i think we'll make it outside...i MAY even convince Paul into getting down the baby pool and filling it up by mid day the water will have warmed up and we can swim outside. HINT HINT!!!
LOVE all the pics!
They have such adorable dresses! (I love that you dress them so girly! That is so me as well! I LOVE dresses on little girls.)
Love the pic of the girls in the dog bowls. heehee
& my poor couch too! LOL I don't have leather either, for the same reasons, but I should've too!
I'm chuckling reading your post today!!! I'm alone with the kids every single day! Todd is gone from 8 am to 5 pm daily, and on Tuesdays and wednesdays doesnt get home till 10. It can feel like a marathon sometimes though! I wish you the best of luck with it!!!
And I also chuckled about the couch, and them keeping it clean in a few years. . .maybe girls are different that way, (Kendyl isn't old enough to judge I guess!) but my couch STILL gets trashed, by the boys. ITs HORRIBLE! I don't know if there's an end in sight either!!
The girls dresses are awesome!!! And you're right, I bet you could resell them for a pretty penny!!!
Love your new looks great and I really enjoy reading your always have so much to say. the girls look so cute as always!! Good luck this weekend with the walk...what a great, great thing to do!!!
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