Sunday, December 07, 2008

Party # 3 - The Baptist church across the street from our neighborhood..SNOW DAY!

The very nice church/school across the street from our neighborhood is very notorious for having blow out parties.  For instance, they have a major Halloween party..anyone in the area can swing by...they must have lots of donations b/c everything is always free.  We have never been to an event but the snow day really sounded fun.  I mean, when can we REALLY see REAL snow in H-town??!!  LOL!  The chances are slim to we have to take what we can, even if that includes nice artificial snow.  One day my girls will see snow..but it may be when they are old enough to drive themselves OR fly to the mountains.  I'm not a big fan of snow..never have been, never will be.  As a matter of fact, i don't even like the cold.  I'm a hermit in the winter..i hate to even leave the house..i keep the heat cranked up..and i layer even when it's 60' outside. I could LIVE at the beach in the nice warm weather..if that was ever an option.  I dream about retiring in Hawaii..All right, maybe NOT HAWAII or Mexico, but somewhere warm and sunny!  :) 


Anyway, here are the snow day pics..the girls had soo much fun!  THIS ENTIRE WEEKEND was soo much fun. 


Here, the girls were warming up to the whole idea of ice/snow.  They had to check it out before they would touch it. 


Here is a pic of mommy plopping balls of snow on their heads.


Mommy was probably giggling b/c there was snow/ice flying everywhere.  The kids all around were just chunking was SOO much fun!  We planted a few on daddy..too bad we didn't get pics of THAT!


Hannah just smiling away..she had a blast.


Mommy helping the girls get some ice to throw.


Looks like Sarah was coming at daddy"the camera man" with snow! :)


Sam with some snow too!


The girls playing in the snow..



jay_say said...

WOW... snow in Texas... almost as impossible as snow in Phoenix which is where I am. Someday when Chris is a little older, I want to drive up to Flagstaff and show the boys some snow. Just right now is difficult since Chris doesn't like long car rides - he gets bored easily.

I grew up on Lake Erie where we measured snow in feet not inches since we got a ton each year. I've definitely had my fill for my life.

I do love how you switch from describing it as snow to describing it as ice instead.


Anonymous said...

What a cool idea! :)

The Synnott's said...

looks like yall had a blast.... what chuch?

Lisa & Gerald said...

Did the girls want to take some snow home with them?

cat said...

Wow, snow! To see snow at all will be the same situation for us. apart from the freak snowstorm we were in in September.

Harris Boys said... fun. I'm hoping for snow this year..I'm not expecting much though.

Annie said...

I wish there was some snow here. I don't like cold weather but maybe it would be fun and the girls would like it, I hope so.

I'm jealous, three parties, how cool. Excellent pictures.

Have a great week.

Unknown said...

how fun! so neat that they do that for the kids!! We have PLENTY of snow here, if you'd like to head to Michigan! haha! We're under a winter storm watch now...more ice than snow though...ugh!!