Monday, September 15, 2008

I took hundreds of shots from IKE.

Here is one from Pauls fence left there! Blurry...but the play system with stood the rain & wind, but looked like a lake around it!
This is the tree limb that was projected INTO the's the exact area it's dripping into the house/play room!

The extra antenna hanging off the roof!
The tubs of water from the leaking roof.
Another shot of the tree limb
Pauls fence left at all!

Our fence left either...funny how much "stuff" our neighbor has hid behind that fence...looks like a junk yard!

All that junk is our i don't wonder why we have so many rats living around here, i KNOW!
Yep, that's me on the off the leaves. I threatened Paul that if he didn't get well i was going to jump...Ok, maybe not. But he was EXTRA careful that i not get hurt...he didn't want to take care of the kids by HIMSELF...he knows it's not THAT easy! LOL!
All the limbs that were stuck on the roof!

The pile after we were's HUGE!

Another shot.
I'm very very sad to report that we lost our orange tree. It split right down the middle. Anyone know if insurance will replace the orange tree?
Clean yard...Ahh..back to normal.
Clean roof!

And then of course, what would life be around here w/o a fashion show!
Getting ready for the show!
Posing for the camera! model material!

Striking a pose!
Look at that smile...and ne "up do"!Look at that cutie!


cat said...

So glad you guys are ok. Specially came to the library to get internet access on our holiday to check up on you.