My girlfriend and pledge sister bought a monogramming machine..i’m LOVING all her cool ideas and t-shirts she’s made for the girls and ME!
Since the girls are finally feeling better and i took them BACK to school after being gone for 3 weeks..i thought i’d go up to have lunch with my big girl! She was SOO excited…she wanted to dress alike! SO, she pulled out her new t-shirt monogrammed by tiffany! She also had me wear mine..and of course the girls wore their shirt to school! Pretty darn cute!

Sam had to have a pic taken of her…before they got dressed in their matching shirts!

Sam just loves her big sister!

Hannah wanted to make a funny or should i say GOOFY face. Can you say DEER in HEAD LIGHT LOOK?!
All my cuties together!
Their teacher has requested over and over to make sure there is something different about one or the they know who’s who. So i put a different color of pants on Sarah…i changed them before we left b/c Sams black pants were high water…guess that means she’s growing! YAY!

SUCH a cute pic…i’m soo lucky my girls love each other soo much! I’m thankful everyday that they are so close in age..even if it was rough for a while..

Sam’s pouty face…LOL!

Sweet face…Sam is a child of many facial expressions..FUNNY!
Then Sarah had to be funny…She put on her hat that i bought in MEXICO YEARS ago-when Hannah was ONE!
Ready to go to school..with their lunch boxes and all!
Gotta love that sisterly love!