We decided to make the drive into Houston on Sunday after working in the front yard for a few hours. The girls were soo good the entire time we were working we thought they really deserved a fun treat. They are definitely at that age where they really enjoyed the aquarium, fish, sharks, and rides! We had a blast..and hope to go back in the fall sometime…or maybe next time we’ll make it all the way to Kemah, to that Aquarium!
Hannah posing in front of the fish
We requested a table right in front of the big fish tank in the middle of the dining room..for some crazy reason they normally sit us in the back and it annoys me since we have 3 kids that can’t see when they sit us back that far…this time was great…the tank was right in front of us..FABULOUS!

Mommy & her sweet pies! All happy and loving the view!
One more..with Hannah looking!
Daddy and his girls..this is a really cute pic of them!
The Shark exhibit is on a train that goes under this cool water way….the sharks are above you!

Trying out my night vision i never use on my camera…COOL!
On the ferris wheeel that goes above the freeway right beside the restaurant..AWESOME!

I forgot the name of this guy hanging upside down as we were walking into the aquarium!

Their FAVORITE part…running in the splash pad after all the exhibits! We didn’t take any clothes for them..so we bought some cute little shirts and just changed them after they were done playing..nothing like a t-shirt and diaper!

I was getting drinks when they first walked up…Paul said they were all a little hesitant at first…wondering if they’d get in trouble for playing in the water in their clothes..SOO FUNNY! But after a while they were loving the water!