My absence of blogging has a lot to do with my computer that is on it's way home from the Doctor! I swear the thing just doesn't work like my old whoopty did. My old one had a major problem with not shutting off at night and turning on and off without me hitting a button..but the KEYS worked. With this new one..the keys just never seem to work the way i want them to work. They do crazy's FUNNY..sometimes!
Anyway, on top of that i've been busy entertaining my three little cutie pies this summer! We've been pretty busy. I think i've been busier than them though! Between play dates, cleaning, cooking, settling into the house, unpacking, painting, revamping the front and back yards..seems like i've lost track of everything else.
BUT, the reason i'm posting today is that my BIG turning FIVE SOON! I can't believe it! FIVE YEARS ago she was almost a matter of fact i THINK today was my actual due date. Yes, 4 days late..she was! In the past five years we've come so far..she's grown into such a little girly girl! She's smart, beautiful, sweet, LOVES HER SISTERS MORE THAN ANYTHING and i couldn't be happier. I need to go back in the next few days and post some pics of my baby..when she WAS a baby..she was tiny, precious, had BLACK CURLY hair..and tons of it. She was beautiful...and the light of our life. I couldn't imgaine my life..without her. If i had to describe her in one word, it'd be ME! She's just like me..just 28 years younger. :>)
Anyway, today starts the count down..of 5 days till her 5th birthday! We have a big exciting bash planned at a local gymnastics i'm sure i'll have tons of pics to add after Saturday. This party has been really hard and stressful to plan this year. I wanted her to have a big bash..lots of friends & family..but it's a bit smaller since we're really in between friends for her. She hasn't really met any of her new friends she'll go to school with out here..and since we're moving's hard to invite her old friends..since we won't see them much anymore AND since we haven't seen them all summer either. SAD i know.
Anyway, with all that being said..let's see if i can find a few good pics of my sweet angel!
This is MY favorite pic of all time..what is more precious than a daddy with her brand new baby!

And then the not so pretty shots..right before i left for the hospital! I tell ya, i was BIG!
In the hospital waiting..not so patiently as i hallucinated about leaving our bags in Vegas...Pauls got some funny stories to tell his kids and grandkids!
Ahh..sleep. I forgot what that was a few times..but she was a very very good baby..she did like to sleep..unlike my younger two!

The Myers' Family..first family photo!