Hannah started her second round of swim lessons today..she is really having a blast and learning a TON! I didn’t get any pics..but tomorrow i’ll try to remember my camera. This time around we’re taking them during the day instead of at night..so i have to take the twins along with me..which is a bit less relaxing than before…LOL! BUT, they did really good today & i had Paul stop off on the way home and get some loli pops on the way home to take and give the girls..since Ms. Annmarie gives all her students one, everyday!
Other than that..my parents and sister and bro in law came over this Sunday & we had a great time. Hannah loves her cousin SOO much & they get along soo well. I sure hope they stay this close..well, until they hit their late teenage years and start fighting over guys! UGH..i’m NOT looking forward to THAT!
Here are some pics from our weekend!
The baby ducks we’ve been watching grow and live down the street in the pond.
My 3 girls feeding the ducks!

My 4 favorite girls!
My mom & one of the twins!

Auntie J & Baby Gavin! Look how much he’s grown!
Gavin & Sarah..Sarah was watching very carefully..and a bit on the jealous side when i picked him up. CUTE!
And then she smiles..

Paul & Baby Gavin!
Hannah & Allison..all made up in the make up and their fancy dresses!
All the girls.. playing with his toys loving on Gavin!
Gavin and his pink phone..poor baby..surrounded by GIRLS! LOL! Before you know it he’ll be wearing heels and have make up on his face!
Sam hugging Auntie J!

Dad hugging Allison!

And this is what the girls did to their faces..while hiding in Hannah’s room!