I think about it EVERY year in May! The day that we found out we were Pregnant for the second time. I think the reason that it’s still so significant, is not that i was just pregnant..but it makes me giggle to think that we had no idea what was in store for us. How we’d have TWO babies instead of one. I still remember those few weeks like they were yesterday. I went to the dr. for my regular OB appt. I told him we had decided we were ready for another baby(or at least I was ready-LOL) and so we were going to start trying again. Dr. B actually laughed and told me: “Well, then i’ll probably see you in a month or two!” I laughed and told him..yeah probably! You see, i’m not in denial, that i’m one of “those” people most love to hate. Hate may be a strong word..but dislike for the simple reason that i’m as fertile as they get(or as my dr. calls me a fertile myrtle). You can LOOK at me and i get pregnant! Well NOT really, but you get the idea. So we started trying in March..and then in April. I bought a ton of those cheapo pregnancy tests on Ebay so i could test as soon as possible and wouldn’t waste tons of money on those pricy tests. I tested in April and was not pregnant. No biggie..just the first shot..i mean who ever gets prego on their very first shot besides a teenager or someone that had no intention of actually GETTING pregnant! NO offense to anyone out there..but you again, know what i mean!! Anyway, in May we had Pauls brothers wedding. I was right on target to take a test the week prior to leaving..and i kept on taking them. ALL of them came out negative. I had assumed that meant that i wasn’t pregnant. I wanted to know for sure b/c i wanted to have a few drinks and hang with his awesome family. All came back negative..which made me ASSUME i was NOT pregnant. We left for our trip..which was crazy b/c Hannah ended up getting a virus and vomited and vomited the one night we stopped in AR and it was my very first experience with vomit..THAT was a rough day. The lesson i learned from that was to always keep an extra car seat cover in your car..and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Paul had to take the car seat out..spray it down with a hose and put it back in so we could keep going(at the hotel after poor Hannah had vomited all the way to the hot springs-we never actually made it to see). That night we ended up in the ER…Hannah just would not stop vomiting and i was worried. The ER dr. gave her a phenegran, even though she wasn’t quite 2 and we went on our way. Thankfully she was FINE after that. The next day we went to the wedding..the following day we were off to Pauls parents for a mini vacation. We got back to Houston on a Monday night..still hadn’t started by then. I decided in my head to take one more prego test..JUST IN CASE! Low and behold, it came back positive. I KNEW IT! Although it was very weird b/c it took almost 6 weeks for it to come back positive. I WAS PREGNANT FOR THE SECOND TIME..And my calculations pointed towards Hannah being 30ish months..
Anyway, that was beside the point. I WAS pregnant. We called people right away. I’ve never been superstitious about telling people early..Paul wanted me to wait..but seriously, i’m NOT one to keep a secret for more than ONE MINUTE! HA HA! SOO, i guess that means no one will ever tell me another secret in my life.
NEXT was to make an appt with Dr. B! I called the next day and we set a date for an ultra sound. We had to wait 2 more weeks. His theory was that if you came BEFORE you could hear or see the heart beat..you’d freak out and so we waited until you could at least SEE the heart beat. SO, two weeks later on 6/3/06, we dropped sweet Hannah off at MDO and off to the OB.
I wasn’t really nervous..well i mean, not overly nervous. Your always nervous about going to the OB, and always pray for a healthy baby! I’m not different..i wanted a healthy baby..i didn’t really care about the sex, although i can’t say i didn’t want a boy. I mean..who doesn’t want ONE BOY, ONE GIRL and a white picket fence, right?? BUT, most importantly i wanted a healthy baby(see i said A) healthy baby! LOL!!
The normal process for the first OB appt is always an ultra sound. SO, we go back to the US room and i get un-dressed and wait. The nurse comes in to help me figure out my due date(1/19/07-Pauls Birthday), etc. She starts messing with Paul and says : “so, how many do you want???” Paul and i BOTH start laughing..FOR REAL! We both said.. “Well, ONE would be Nice.” We all giggled and she went on her way. She came back in with the dr…and the exam started. I won’t go into details about the US you have when your 8 wks prego for the sake of the men reading this..but ya’ll know what i’m talking about, ladies. Anyway, he does what he needs to do and starts moving the little “wand'” around..nope, guys, it’s not a fairy wand either! LOL! AND THEN Dr. B says: “SOOOO HOW MANY DID YOU WANT AGAIN?????” We both yelled ONE! He said.. “well, there are two”. I immediately started bawling like a baby. WHAT??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN??? He said: “Well, there’s one heart beat(and moved the wand around a bit) and there’s the other”! NO WAAAAYYY!! He said : “YOU are having TWINS!” I just looked at Paul and said “well, we’re going to need a nanny NOW for sure!” LOL! At that point he started checking everything out..all looked good, but he wanted us to go back into his office and go over the procedure and appt info..as well as info on identical twins..b/c he had already knew they were IDENTICAL! Isn’t THAT crazy? Eight weeks along and he could tell they were identical. I wasn’t 100% sure i believed him..but we just went along with it and he went over all the stats of identical twins..momo/momo-mo-di, etc. He also did warn me that things could change..went over all the stats..told me to research twins..warning me cautiously that things happen when your carrying more than one..just to research it and that was that. I asked him if i should go see a peri/high risk dr. and he said he could handle it. My favorite part was that..there was NO WAY he’d make me have these babies naturally-you know..the way i did with Hannah. AMEN to that, since she had broken my tail bone!
That day we went to Churacos for lunch and just sat there..and stuffed my face…b/c i had the OK to eat LOTS of food! LOL! WHOO HOO…that was MY FAVORITE PART! There was no stopping me..until morning sickness hit! HA HA!
After that..the rest is history..
I still look back sometimes when i’m in the car day dreaming and listening to my THREE GIRLS talking..it’s STILL crazy! I have THREE girls..and i only had to be pregnant TWICE! HOW COOL IS THAT?! How many people are lucky enough to have twins..AND not only that..THREE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS, albeit only one looks like me! LOL! BUT, they are all beautiful and so precious!
AND THAT my friends, is what i have on my mind EVERY MAY..i think about how funny that day was..and i think it’s more engraved in my head than the day i got married. Don’t get me wrong..they are ALL important days..but that day will stick with me and i will tell the story over and over..to the girls as they get older..to my grandchildren..and MAYBE JUST MAYBE to my great grandchildren! I know..i know..i’m pushing it! But, it’s a great story..and i don’t mind telling anyone that asks..because it’s just soo cool and amazing!
This pic was the day of the wedding..my sweet Hannah was SOO small and had NO IDEA how her world would be turned upside down! Grandma M used curlers in her hair..totally cutie!

This was the morning after the nightmare vomiting incident. Poor baby just wasn’t feeling 100%..but the ER dr. did the trick with the phen!
The day of the wedding with her precious sweet cousins..Nicole and Brooke-Boy, do we miss them and hope to see them sometime soon-Hannah talks about them and how they went to Galveston and the water park all the time!
Some of pauls family..Susie & her family, Uncle Jim, Pauls dad, Pauls bro-steve, Brooke & Nicole, & Jim & Sharons grand-daughter..Leslie & our little family(plus two babies in my belly i didn’t even know about YET..but goodness if you look at me i’d bet money you’d THINK i was prego..goodness i had a BIG BELLY!)
The Cousins..
Me & Nicole, Brooke & Hannah at Pauls parents house!
Playing in the water..
And then when we got home..THIS! Yep. 2 lines means your prego! WHOA!
And another test JUST IN CASE! HA HA!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PIC..YEP, THIS is really Hannah with her FRO hair..SOO glad the girls have hair that’s much more controlled!
LOOK AT THIS precious sweet baby..Gotta love those puppy shoes. She’s totally modeling for me!
AWW..i can’t even remember when she was THIS SMALL! NOW, looking at these pics..she TOTALLY looks like her sisters! Esp. her face..SOO SWEET!
AND THEN THERE WERE TWO MORE! If you look REALLY close you can see the plus signs on the left..those are two babies..head to toe. SOOO TINY! This was 8 wks & measuring 7w5 d sooo right on target! I was SOO blessed with such a healthy twin pregnancy..i couldn’t have asked for more.
We start moving stuff into our new house NEXT SUNDAY! It’s soo exciting but so sad b/c THIS is the very first house the twins have lived in..i brought them home HERE! Although i don’t have fun memories about their first days here..with the house open to the elements and the contractor that took 3 grand extra and ran..and how they didn’t have a real “nursery” to come home to..but it was the very first house they’ve lived in, so it’s going to be hard to explain to them why were moving to this new house. With Hannah..it wasn’t hard..and i don’t worry about them, b/c in all reality they have such a great support group with a BIG SISTER that is SOO WONDERFUL TO THEM! BUT, Poor Hannah has lived in TOO many houses to count(well 3) but The girls were brought home to this house..and now it’s just going to be a memory! We’ve made some great memories here..but it’s time to move on to new things. I just WONDER how many houses my girls will live in..HOW MANY KIDS do you know that have lived in 3 houses..going on 4…by the time they were only 4.5 years old?? SOO SAD..i hope we settle into this house and stay for a while.
Happy Sunday and Cinco De Mayo!